Our land is located on a high plateau, far from rivers or natural irrigation channels. This means our durian trees and other fruit crops rely heavily on rainfall for water. Fortunately, a local water utility company has installed pipelines in the area, allowing us to connect a water supply for when rainfall isn’t enough.
To make the most of rainwater, we purchased several large plastic tanks and metal drums to collect and store it. These rainwater reserves have proven invaluable during dry periods, reducing our dependency on the water company and cutting costs. At Yarik, Naya, and Eva's grandmother’s home, we’ve done the same—setting up rain barrels to capture and store as much water as possible.
Plants, like us humans, need water and nutrients to survive, grow, and thrive. The difference is that while we can move around to find food and water, plants cannot. They depend on us to bring these essentials to them, especially when rainwater and other sources fall short.
With a little effort, we can ensure the land flourishes. After all, nurturing life—whether through plants or people—always feels rewarding.
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